
Q & A with Igor Petsch


FORCE welcomes the creative Colombian to Knoxville

Name: Igor Petsch
Height: 5’10
Weight: 175
College: University of the Cumberland’s
Hometown: Cartagena, Colombia
Position: Attacking Midfielder

Q: How did you end up in the US?
A: I received a scholarship to the University of the Cumberland’s

Q: Who is your favorite soccer team?
A: Atletico Nacional

Q: Who is your favorite player?
A: Juan Roman Riquelme

Q: When did you first start playing soccer?
A: As soon as I started walking. My mom said I was always kicking a ball around

Q: What is your favorite thing about Derek?
A: He tells you exactly what he wants from you and where you stand. He’s very honest but he also likes to joke around with the players

Q: What is your most embarrassing soccer moment?
A: I missed a PK in the National final. I was the 5th kicker and had to score and I missed and lost the game

Q: If you weren’t playing soccer what would you be doing?
A: Having a good time in Miami living on the beach

Q: What is your favorite jersey number?
A: 7 always has been. As they say, “lucky number 7”

Q: What is your favorite home cooked meal?
A: A Colombian soup called ajico. It has chicken, two types of potatoes, avocado, corn and milk cream on the top served hot

Q: What’s your favorite place to eat in Knoxville?
A: Brazilian Steakhouse. It’s so good

Q: If you could be any animal what would it be?
A: A lion because I’m the king and I would be the king all the

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